Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Revlon Colorstay Whipped Foundation Review (Compared to Covergirl)

Photo from: target.com

My all time favorite foundation is the Covergirl Whipped Cream Foundation:

Photo from: target.com

But I'm pretty sure it's been discontinued because it was clearanced out at all of my local drug stores and grocery stores and now I can't find it anywhere! (If you know a store that still sells it, please let me know!)

I was forced to find an alternative. I love the "whipped cream" texture for foundation because it is light and airy. It gives color and coverage without caking up on my face. I have normal to dry skin and it provides the perfect amount of moisture (sorry, I hate that word too) without making my skin oily. If you love liquid foundations, you might want to try a whipped foundation for the summer because it is lighter without sacrificing coverage!

I've been using the Revlon whipped foundation for the last couple of weeks and I have several thoughts on it so far. Maybe if I tried it first, I would love it more, but I'm biased because I LOVE the Covergirl one.

First thing you'll notice about this product is the PRICE. It is twice as much as the Covergirl foundation (which averages about $6-7 depending on where you shop). The Revlon version is about $12 (even at Walmart!). The only problem is, you're not getting twice as much product (which would make the price better). The Revlon packaging may look huge (because it is) but you only get 0.8 ounces. It's more than the Covergirl version, which was 0.6 ounces, but it's not THAT MUCH more....

Like I said, the PACKAGING is huge! Both versions come in a glass container with a plastic lid. The Covergirl one was a small, compact container, filled to the brim. The Revlon version is a gigantic glass JAR (basically) but only a small part of that actually holds product. The bottom half of the jar is just glass and could have been done away with. The lid is bulky and the container does not fit in my makeup storage system. (Every other foundation I've ever bought fit in the three-drawer organizer) Sure it's pretty but it's not practical. I haven't traveled with it yet, but I'm kinda scared it's going to drop and break. At the least, it will take up a lot of room in my makeup bag. I used to be able to throw the Covergirl foundation in my purse and not even notice it was there, but the Revlon one takes up so much space!

All that aside, it's not a bad foundation. The COVERAGE is pretty nice. I'd say it's medium coverage. It is a thicker texture than the Covergirl version and goes on heavier. I used to use my concealer with my Covergirl foundation but I haven't really needed to with the Revlon one.

Both have about the same color range, but I'd found my perfect SHADE in the Covergirl version (320, Creamy Natural). I'm using 200 Sand Beige in the Revlon (which sounded really dark to me), it's pretty close, but not exact. It almost has a grey UNDERTONE which makes me look sickly in the wrong lighting. To combat this, I use extra bronzing powder in a really light shade. This helps to warm my face back up without turning me from grey to orange.

The Revlon Colorstay line claims to last 24 hours, but we all know that's impossible. (Even if it was possible, I don't think I'd want my makeup to last that long....) It does have good STAYING POWER and lasts me all day (about 9 to 10 hours). There is an obvious difference from when I put it on to when I take it off, but it could be worse.

BOTTOM LINE: I'm still looking for an alternative to the Covergirl whipped cream foundation (if you know of one, share it!) and also hoping they'll bring it back to store. The Revlon Whipped Foundation is fine. It costs a lot (comparatively) but works well. It's just middle-of-the-road for me. I'm not crazy about it and if I find something else, I definitely won't buy it again.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Spring Cleaning: Just Throw it Away!

          For some reason, I have a tendency to hang on to old, unusable makeup. I talk myself out of throwing it away even though I know good and well I will not use it again! But no more! I have finally broken that cycle (more or less) and did a major clean out! I realized that I was using the same products everyday and I didn’t want to use anything else. I had boxes and plastic containers full of makeup that I didn’t use and, most importantly, I didn’t want to use. I got all of my makeup down to a more manageable size after one major clean out. Now, it all fits in my three-drawer plastic organizer. I am able to find just what I want and everything is neat and clean. I also threw away old nail polishes and now, only my best and favorite polishes are on display. I found the whole process to be stress-relieving and I am much happier because of it! 

Here are some tips for cleaning out your own makeup collection. Let’s start the summer off with a clean slate!

1.                    Check the expiration date! Not all products have one, but many have a symbol on the back that looks like a small, open container with a number and the letter “M” (See the picture below). The number is the number of months the product is good for after it has been opened. For example, “12M” means the product is good for 12 months after you open it. If the product is expired, THROW IT AWAY! Even if it is something that you use, it is no longer good for your skin! It has been open for a while and collected germs and bacteria that you are just putting back on your face. EW!
Example of expiration date

2.                    Have you used it in the last week? I understand that some makeup products are used only for special occasions so you only use it every once in a while. But, if ALL of your makeup is for special occasions, you should probably rethink your buying strategy. Otherwise, only keep the products that you use on a regular basis (plus a couple of special occasion things like a super glittery eyeshadow). If you’re still worried about throwing something away that you’ll miss, take out all of the products you don’t use regularly and put them to the side. Go an entire week without using them. Did you miss them? If not, throw them away! They’re just taking up space and they’ll probably go bad before you get around to using them. If you feel bad about throwing stuff away, give it away. Spray the product with rubbing alcohol to disinfect it, and then give it to a friend who’d wear it or maybe a little girl who will play dress-up with it.

3.                    Is it your color? Maybe you have some makeup left over from the winter when you were three shades paler. Or maybe you have some from when you got that spray tan and now it makes your face look like an Oompa Loompa. Throw it away. Seriously, if you keep it, you’ll only be tempted to wear it. Don’t wear it! It’s not your color and you know it! If you really liked that foundation or bronzer or whatever, go buy it in YOUR SHADE!

4.                    Is it dirty? Products covered in dirt or residue from other makeup is just gross. You can try to clean stuff off with disinfectant, but most of the time you should just toss it. Every time you pick it up, you’re getting that stuff on your hands. If you throw it in your makeup bag, it has infected all your other products. Don’t put germs so close to your face!

5.                    Is it broken? Sometimes you can save products after they break, sometimes you can’t. It’s just the facts of life. If you’ve tried to put that eyeshadow back together and it just won’t stay, it’s time to say bye-bye. Broken products have a nasty tendency to spill and go everywhere, especially powders. It’s going to ruin other products if you hang on to it for too long. Broken containers are also problems because they can cause leaks. It won’t be fun the day you open your makeup bag and find liquid foundation coating everything. If it’s something you really love, try moving it to a different container. If that doesn’t work, throw it away.

6.                    Do you want a new one? Let’s be real, we’ve all wanted a brand new version of something even though ours is perfectly fine. Maybe there’s a new packaging or the label has come off on yours. Sometimes it’s ok to throw the old one away and get a new one. Should you do this with your $60 foundation? Probably not. What about that $4 lipstick? Go for it! Maybe you don’t like the shade anymore or you like the new one better. Or maybe the product is just fine; you just don’t like it any more. Don’t leave things in your collection that you hate. It’s your makeup collection; you can do whatever you want! So just throw it away!