Monday, February 18, 2013

The Lazy Person's Best Friend: elf Daily Brush Cleaner

We all know we should disinfect our makeup brushes everyday and give them a good scrub at least once a week, even more depending on usage. But do we really? If you're like me, you tend to forget every now and then or you remember and just don't feel like it. Do I let my brushes get nasty and out of control? Absolutely not, I don't want the breakouts, but sometimes it's a hassle to wash and dry all of your brushes. That's where elf comes in to save the day!
EyesLipsFace sells a Daily Brush Cleaner. It's super simple to use and very low maintenance! 

elf Daily Brush Cleaner (Sorry about the glare/pink line)
How to Use:
Spray your brush(es) several times and cover all of the bristles. Wipe on a clean towel or paper towel to remove leftover makeup. Leave to dry.

Like I said, this is a really simple process and fairly foolproof. I've found it's best to spray multiple brushes at once so you don't waste the product. I usually spray my blush and powder brush at once and then my eyeshadow brushes together. This is easy to do at night when I'm getting ready for bed. I just spray the brushes, wipe them off, and they're nice and clean in the morning! It takes about 2 minutes and all you need is one product and a paper towel. It's pretty successful at getting the product off of your brush and disinfecting it for the next use.

This product contains alcohol--it's the second ingredient, so make sure the brush is completely dry before you use it again. If it's still wet, you will get alcohol on your face which isn't good for your skin especially if you have acne or other blemishes. Also, I haven't had this product for long and I'm already halfway through the bottle. You run through it pretty fast because you have to spray it several times to completely cover the brushes.

The Bottom Line---Price:
I picked mine up at Target for $3. You get 2.02 fl oz/60 mL of product, which is a pretty good amount. The price is great for what you get and how effective the product is. Even if I run through it quickly, it doesn't cost that much to replace. Also, it is available in Target stores so you don't have to pay shipping and wait to receive it every time you run out. I would definitely recommend this product if you're looking for a simple, no hassle, brush cleaner!

I'm still waiting on my Amazon order with my blender sponges! They arrived at my post office on Saturday and are just sitting there because of the weekend and the holiday! Hopefully I'll get them tomorrow!
EyesLipsFace Website:
Page for this product:

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