Tuesday, February 19, 2013

They're Here! Monster Bundle Blenders Unboxing!

I finally got my Monster Bundle Blenders! I'm so excited to start using these! I ordered these from Amazon and the set comes with four blenders; two in the egg shape and two in a more hourglass/curved shape. You wet the sponge and use it to apply liquid makeup, and I've seen posts about applying different types of makeup as well.
The packaging is good-each sponge has it's own compartment. The sponges themselves are very cute and brightly colored! When I first took them out of the box, they felt a little stiff but after wetting one of them the difference was incredible. 
Dry sponge on the left. Wet sponge on the right.
The sponge doubled in size when wet and softened up a lot! I used the purple one to apply my foundation and I am very pleased with the results! I got a nice, even coverage and the product felt great on my face. I didn't feel like any product was wasted because it sits on the top of the sponge instead of soaking in. 

So far these are great! I'll try them out for a little while and hopefully do a review soon!

I ordered these from Amazon and the set cost $10.99, which comes out to less than $3 a sponge. The Beauty Blender from Sephora costs over $20!
Amazon website: www.amazon.com
Page for this product: http://www.amazon.com/Bundle-Monster-Flawless-Blender-Foundation/dp/B0092SVTGA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1361295321&sr=8-1&keywords=monster+bundle+sponges

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